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stripping ratio in coal mining

Stripping ratio mining Britannica

determination of mining methods In coal mining: Choosing a mining method calculated with the aid of stripping ratios, which represent the amount of waste material that

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3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax)

Earlier in this lesson, we looked at the maximum stripping ratio, and we did it for coal seam. You will recall that the maximum allowable stripping ratio, SR max , also called break-even stripping ratio , is the maximum

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Break-even stripping ratio Britannica

In mining: Pit geometry. The break-even stripping ratio is a function of ore value and the costs involved. In coal mining: Contour strip mining. If the break-even stripping ratio

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Stripping Ratio in Open-Pit Mining, Types of

Stripping ratio is the ratio of the volume of waste rock stripped off to the volume of ore exploited during the process of surface mining. It indicates the volume of waste rock

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Coal Ratio - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

With increasing overburden to coal ratio, the cost of removal of overburden (known as stripping cost) adds considerably to the cost of mining the coal beyond economic limit.

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Schissler AP (2004) 485-494 Coal Mining, Design and

Surface mine design is determined by the stripping ratio, the overall shape of the reserve from a plan view, and the type of rock. Three main surface methods are utilized, with

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Rational economic stripping ratios - Taylor Francis Online

2008.4.2  The economic stripping ratio used to define an economic mining block in an open pit coal mining situation is rationalised by considering the time value of money,

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Coal and Coal Mining

calculate stripping ratio: stripping ratio = 25 cubic yds overburden/1.44 short tons of coal. stripping ratio = 17.36

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